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How To Make Product Photos Load Faster On Your Website

How To Make Product Photos Load Faster On Your Website

Product photos and images are a huge part of any e-commerce website’s success. They help showcase items, provide details, and influence purchasing decisions. However, large or poorly optimized images can slow down your website, frustrating users and impacting your SEO rankings.

This guide will cover the best practices on how to make photos load faster on websites. Follow the tips below to optimize your e-commerce store, ensuring a smooth user experience and better search engine visibility.

Importance of Image Loading Speed

Image loading speed refers to how quickly images appear on a web page after a user requests it. In e-commerce, where multiple high-resolution images are often used to showcase products, image loading speed can impact how quickly all your website pages load.

Slow image loading can lead to higher bounce rates, where users leave the site before it fully loads, resulting in lost sales opportunities. Besides, image loading speed is a critical factor for SEO. Search engines, like Google, consider page speed when ranking websites, so slow-loading pages can get lower rankings, decreased visibility, and fewer organic visitors.

Techniques to Speed Up Image Loading

There are several effective techniques to optimize image loading on your website. These include choosing the right image formats, compressing images without sacrificing quality, using lazy loading, and leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs). 

Below, we’ll go over the details of the 6 most effective methods to help you improve your site's loading speed and enhance the user experience.

1. Optimize Image Formats

Choosing the right image format can make a big difference in how quickly your images load. Some formats are better suited for certain types of images, and selecting the appropriate one can help reduce file size without compromising quality.

  • JPEG – JPEGs offer good compression rates and smaller file sizes. Use it for product photos where detail is important but file size must remain manageable.
  • PNG – PNGs provide higher quality but come with larger file sizes. Use PNG for images requiring transparency, like logos or icons over varying backgrounds.
  • WebP – A modern format that provides better compression than JPEG and PNG without losing quality. It's widely supported and recommended for most e-commerce sites to use whenever possible for a balance of quality and speed.
  • SVG – Ideal for icons and logos. SVGs are vector-based and scalable, ensuring crisp quality at any size with minimal loading impact.

2. Compress Images

Compressing images reduces their file size, making them load faster. However, it's important to maintain image quality while minimizing size. Over-compressing images can lead to poor quality and unreasonably small image dimensions, which may turn potential customers away.

Instead, aim for a balance where the images look clear and detailed but are optimized for quick loading. Tools for image compression can help achieve this balance by offering smart compression that retains quality. For instance, Amasty’s LitePix lets you automate image optimization, resize images in bulk, and test different compression levels to find the ideal balance for your website.

3. Use Responsive Images

Responsive images ensure that your website delivers properly sized images for each device – desktop, tablet, or mobile. This can significantly improve loading speeds by preventing large images from being unnecessarily loaded on smaller screens.

To implement responsive images, use the srcset and sizes attributes in your HTML image tags. The srcset attribute allows you to specify different versions of an image for different screen widths, while sizes tells any modern browser how much space the image will occupy. This ensures that only the most appropriate image size is downloaded, reducing data usage and speeding up loading times.

  srcset="image-small.jpg 480w, image-medium.jpg 768w, image-large.jpg 1024w" 
  sizes="(max-width: 600px) 480px, (max-width: 900px) 768px, 1024px" 
  alt="Product Image">

4. Implement Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a technique where images are only loaded when they are about to enter the viewpoint, meaning that images below the fold (not immediately visible on the screen) are not loaded until needed. This can significantly reduce initial page load times and improve the user experience.

Lazy loading works by using JavaScript to defer loading images until they are needed. Instead of loading all images at once when the page is loaded, lazy loading waits until the user scrolls down to the point where the image is needed. This is particularly useful for optimizing product listings or galleries.

  alt="Product Image" 

When the user scrolls down to the image, a JavaScript library like LazyLoad.js swaps the data-src with src, loading the actual image.

Tip: Mind that you can skip the coding part and opt for special tools like SEO Toolkit Pro instead. Such extensions automatically implement lazy loading on your entire website.

Lazy loading helps to reduce bandwidth usage and speeds up the initial loading of web pages. This provides a smoother browsing experience, especially for mobile users who may be on slower connections. Lazy loading can also reduce bounce rates and increase the likelihood of users staying longer on the site, thereby improving conversion rates.

5. Leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of servers that store copies of your website’s content, including images, on multiple servers around the world. When a user accesses your site, the CDN delivers the content from the server closest to them. This is particularly beneficial for e-commerce sites that serve a global audience as it minimizes the distance data has to travel, loading pages more quickly and efficiently.

CDNs improve initial loading time by:

  • Reducing Latency. Delivering content from a nearby server reduces the time it takes for data to travel, resulting in faster loading times.
  • Balancing Traffic Load. By distributing traffic among multiple servers, CDNs prevent any single server from becoming overwhelmed, ensuring consistent performance even during high-traffic periods.
  • Caching Content. CDNs cache static content, such as images, meaning users can access previously loaded content more quickly on return visits.

Implementing a CDN can greatly enhance the performance of your e-commerce site by ensuring that your images and other content load quickly and reliably for all users, regardless of location.

6. Enable Browser Caching

Browser caching allows your website to store frequently used resources, like images, on a user’s local device. When users revisit your site, their browser loads these cached resources instead of downloading them again, which results in faster page loads.

Enabling browser caching provides several benefits:

  • Improved Load Times – Cached images and content load almost instantly for returning users, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Reduced Server Load – Since cached content is loaded from the user’s device, the demand on your server is reduced, which can improve site performance, especially during high-traffic periods.
  • Better SEO – Faster loading speeds can improve your site's SEO ranking as search engines prioritize quick and responsive websites.

To enable browser caching, you need to configure your server to include cache-related headers in HTTP responses. This can be done by setting expiration dates for different types of content.

Here is a simple example for Apache servers:  
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 year"
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 year"
    ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 year"
    ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 year"

In this example, the ExpiresByType directive sets the caching duration for various image formats to one year. This way, browsers will use cached versions of these images for a year before checking for updates, significantly speeding up the loading process for repeat visitors.


Decreasing image loading time on your e-commerce site is crucial for both user experience and SEO. Key techniques include:

  • Optimizing Image Formats – Choose the right format for different image types.
  • Compressing Images – Use tools like LitePix by Amasty to find the perfect balance between quality and size.
  • Using Responsive Images – Implement srcset and sizes for different devices.
  • Introducing Lazy Loading Images – Only load images as users scroll to save bandwidth and speed up initial load times.
  • Leveraging CDNs – Use Content Delivery Networks to deliver images quickly from servers near your users.
  • Enabling Browser Caching – Store images on users' devices for faster loading on return visits.

Don’t let slow-loading images hinder your e-commerce success. Start optimizing your website images today with these proven techniques – or reach out to Transform Agency to speed up your website. Improve the user experience of your image loading and watch your conversions and SERP positions grow!


What is the ideal image size for web use?

The ideal image size for web use is between 100KB and 500KB, with a maximum width of 1920px for full-screen images.


How does image loading speed affect user experience?

Faster image loading speeds enhance user experience by reducing wait times, decreasing bounce rates, and encouraging longer site visits.


Can image optimization improve my website's ranking?

Yes, optimized images lead to faster loading times, which are a key factor in SEO rankings. Faster sites tend to rank higher on search engines.


What tools can I use to test my website's image loading speed?

Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, and WebPageTest can help analyze your site's image loading speed and provide optimization suggestions.


How often should I optimize images on my website?

It's best to optimize images regularly, especially when adding new content. Review and optimize existing images at least once every quarter for consistent performance.


Written with the assistance of Yaroslav T.

Senior Magento 2 Frontend Developer at TA

With 7 years of experience in the IT industry, Yaroslav T. specializes in e-commerce solutions. He has developed approximately 15 online stores, ranging from medium-sized shops to large marketplaces, gaining extensive experience across various industries including financial services, retail & distribution, and life sciences & healthcare. Skilled in Adobe Commerce, he excels in frontend development solutions for this CMS.


Written with the assistance of Yaroslav T.

Senior Magento 2 Frontend Developer at TA

Experienced SEO Specialist with a proven track record of improving website visibility and search engine rankings. Skilled in keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, link building, and content strategy development. Passionate about staying updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes to ensure optimal online presence.

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